TEAM Hughes Real Estate School Blog
Welcome to our TEAM Hughes blog! Be sure to check back frequently to catch all the latest blogs. We hope you enjoy!
A Mistake I’ll Never Forget!
Our IT people tell us regular blogging is good for business, so I do it. Today’s blog, however, is a bit different. I want to tell you about a mistake I’ll never forget!
Is The Glass Half Full or Is It Half Empty?
The question “Is the glass half full or is it half empty?” is an idiom commonly used to explain how some people perceive situations differently.
Weren’t You Ever Scared?
Last week during one of our classes a student asked me “Weren’t you ever scared?” My response was, to my surprise, an emotional one with tears welling up in my eyes. Of course, I I had been scared. In 1983 I was a young, single mom receiving no child support. A bad marriage and an ill father forced me to make a decision that would alter my life forever. One of the products of that decision is that I had a fairly successful career in real estate.
Breaking Records
January is historically a time when people still have their resolve about them, and they are determined to meet all those new year resolutions they made on December 31. In our industry, breaking records will usually occur in January and/or February. This year is no exception. Between all our January classes, we have had an attendance we have never experienced!
Your State of the Union Address
The president will give his State of the Union Address on January 29. I began thinking about the State of the Union Address and how it affects us personally. Many Americans find themselves faced with jobs they do not love, jobs for which they have no passion, and jobs that merely allow them to pay the bills.
Memories from the 1980’s
Let me share some memories from the 1980’s. My first real estate license was effective June 3, 1983, and I was living in Ocala, FL at the time.
Almost Forgot to Blog!
When the plate is full, time is speeding by quickly, and curriculums all need to be updated, it’s easy to forget to blog. Blogging is not for the faint of heart, and when it is compounded by a state of frenzy and a cluttered mind, it can become a huge burden.
TEAM Hughes Opinion: Classroom or Online Course
We TEAM Hughes Real Estate School instructors regularly get asked our opinion as to which is better, a classroom or online course. Each type of course has its own advantages and disadvantages, and some are below.
We Always Need New Agents
As a real estate instructor and school owner, my opinion is that we always need new agents in the practice of real estate. Many seasoned real estate agents would disagree with that statement, but that’s because most of them no longer welcome competition and they’ve lost their love of synergism.
Start that Stretch Soon!
Okay, the holidays are now over. Goals should be established, and road maps laid out. If you are anything like me, you will be stepping outside your comfort zone. If that’s the case, start that stretch soon! The longer you wait to stretch yourself, the more difficult it will become.